Day 7: If Your Novel Was a Meme

Tilly sat at the edge of the garden, where the voices from the house were just muffled enough she could not make out their words. Her father had thrown together another party and invited every eligible bachelor and their families. How she hated these affairs. She would much rather be upstairs in her room, writing... Continue Reading →

Day 6: NaNo Fuel

She tried the door handle for what felt like the millionth time, but it was no use. She was locked in. Angie turned around to look at the table. On it sat her tablet and Bluetooth keyboard, her favorite seaweed snacks, a couple of eggs, and a steaming cup of coffee. Well at least she... Continue Reading →

Day 5: Flights of Fancy

Jenny never liked to fly on full moon nights. Not because she didn't love the sight of the moon—she loved it. She loved the way the moon rose up over the trees that kept her family's coven safe, and how the moon's light made everything glow. She did not, however, love the crowds. Their coven... Continue Reading →

Day 4: Baby Photo

Star rocked the bassinet steadily with her chair. The babe inside snoozed, a blessed respite from her wails not ten minutes before. Star loved her daughter, and knew that her cries meant a strong voice later in life. But right now Star wanted rest. She could feel the bags under her eyes growing deeper by... Continue Reading →

Day 3: Writing Friends

The sun shifted through the window panes, and Cassidy wished she could hold even a fraction of those beams in her cupped hands. But all her hands were good for these days was tracing shapes on the condensation or typing out her escape on the old laptop a forgiving Aunt had given her. Cassidy liked... Continue Reading →

Day 2: Shelfie

Good day, blessed readers! These shorts are not connected. They're just whatever pops into my head when I look at my art. She never felt more at home than with her books. And Brover, of course—named not because he was a cat that looked like a beaver, but because she had had a lisp until... Continue Reading →

Day 1: Past/Future

Well met, dear readers! We've started back at the beginning for a fun-filled month of artistry. I will put the prompt name in the title of each post, but feel free to refer to my prep post or the NaNoWriMo Instagram post for reference. I know, I know. I suck at drawing feet. She missed... Continue Reading →

Inktober and NaNoWriMo Prep

Hello, fair readers! I wanted to take a moment away from the daily advice and affirmations to share something that has been bouncing around in my head for most of today. As some of you may know, October is Inktober and November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo, or NaNo). Once this month is over... Continue Reading →

NaNoWriMo, Day the Twenty-Seventh

At last, dear and faithful readers, I have made it! I crossed the finish line yesterday with 51, 135 words—and I’m not done! Wherever you are in your NaNo journey, I salute your effort! We should all receive a medal of honor (appropriately shaped like a feather quill or keyboard key of our choosing) for... Continue Reading →

Dear Authors, The Shining may be the best film ever made about being a writer—not because Jack Nicholson’s character went bonkers, but because he had the work ethic it takes to build a career. Sure, he just typed “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” thousands of times. But he worked every... Continue Reading →

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