NaNoWriMo Recap & Apologies to Self

Another NaNoWriMo come and gone, and me with only 22k words to show for it. I'm still glad I did it this year, but what with learning a new job and trying to find the right work-life balance, I found myself barely making it to the halfway mark. I apologize both to myself and to... Continue Reading →

NaNoWriMo Day 12 Thoughts & Writing Sample

Is it Day 12 already? Goodness, I'm so behind! Work has been insane (in a good way!) and so I have not been as diligent in my NaNo writing as I should be. Don't get me wrong, I love my subject matter. But it's hard to sit myself in front of a computer screen for... Continue Reading →

A New Month, A Fresh Start

Greetings and well met, beloved readers! I know I dropped the ball on Inktober 2019, and I'm sorry that I failed to keep my artistic promise. Work has been crazy, but I know that's just an excuse. We make time for the things that matter, and unfortunately what mattered to me after work was sleep... Continue Reading →

Day 12: Dragons & NaNo Profile

Nati squared her shoulders. Before her was the dragon's cave. Behind her a group of bannermen lay in wait behind the large boulders that marked the threshold between kingdom and nature. They had stuffed her into their sweaty training gear and dared her to take on the dragon. Just because she said she wanted to... Continue Reading →

Day 11: Fur Babies & Snow

Trent loved playing in the snow. It was so fluffy, but not as fluffy as him. He ran ahead of his human, Tessa, and barked at a squirrel. It was late in the season for the squirrels to be out. At least that's what Tessa said as she fumbled to take her thin metal box... Continue Reading →

Day 10: Outline/ Novel Sketch

She always worked best when the rest of the world was asleep, but tonight Tif didn't feel like putting the pieces together. She loved writing flash fiction. She had even won a few of the contests--all under a pseudonym, of course. She didn't want the attention that came with winning those types of things. She... Continue Reading →

Day 9: Oops!

Usha swore under her breath as ink shot out of the passing squid and all over her hair in a cloud. Her hair may have already been inky black, but that did not mean she wanted squid to spew it all over her head. Maybe if she was lucky, the blueish hue unique to squid... Continue Reading →

Day 8: Come As Your Character

When all else failed, Tessa could always escape into someone else's body. Or at least she liked to believe she could. Tucked away in the library corners less traveled. No one ever thought a servant would go in there, even if she was lady's maid to the royal princess. Tessa loved to read, but could... Continue Reading →

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