Day 24: Living Literature & Dizzy

Mary set her champagne flute down carefully on the table and moved toward the dance floor. She could see her mother sitting with the other older women, shaking her head with a firm scowl on her face. Mary knew what that scowl meant: don't do anything to ruin your elder sister's prospects. Don't embarrass the... Continue Reading →

Day 22: Ghost & Banned Book

Jenny tapped her foot a little faster. She was getting used to the weight of the box on her legs. No one had rung the doorbell yet and the neighborhood's Halloween event was almost over. Maybe Cheryl had been right. No one wanted to get literature on Halloween. They were only interested in candy and... Continue Reading →

Day 18: Cast Your Villain & Misfit

Well met, dear readers! Today is another welcome to the world post. So the new NaNo site is being a bit troublesome with the announcing new novels thing. I've tried to post my new project several times, with cover art, and have been shot down every time. The project loads but disappears shortly after. It's... Continue Reading →

Day 16: Wild & Music

Prue stood at the brink of the volcano. Checking to make sure she was alone (the last tour group had left hours ago, but there were always security guards) she bent down and unlocked her violin case. She lifted it to her chin and began to play. The strings glowed as she skipped from note... Continue Reading →

Day 14: Overgrown

Rapunzel stared up at the tower that had once been her home. It had been years since Mother Gothel had perished from her fall, and even longer since she had spirited the young woman away and locked her in that tower. Now the structure stood covered in vines, the grass tips reaching above her ankles... Continue Reading →

Day 13: Time Piece & Ash

Cathy swept up the last of the ash. Her parents would be home any minute and she didn't want them to see the damage to the things on the mantelpiece. The broken face of a clock glinted up at her, its hands strewn about in the ash pile. Thankfully it was the least laden of... Continue Reading →

Day 12: Dragons & NaNo Profile

Nati squared her shoulders. Before her was the dragon's cave. Behind her a group of bannermen lay in wait behind the large boulders that marked the threshold between kingdom and nature. They had stuffed her into their sweaty training gear and dared her to take on the dragon. Just because she said she wanted to... Continue Reading →

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