Returneth of the Meh

The days have turned blurry and the quarantine depression has claimed me on my best days, dear readers, and there is no real way for me to apologize. Honestly, I know we have all felt this way at one time or another over the past year (but please do not think I speak on your... Continue Reading →

Roll the Die, Win a…Doomsday?

These days, my folx. These. Days. Did anyone else look out the window the other day and wonder when we rebooted into a Fallout landscape? Running through that was weirder than weird. I'm not quite sure what else to say about it. I am quite sure none of us could have predicted the giant angry... Continue Reading →

Quarantine, Day the Whatever

Is it bad the days are starting to blur together? Staying home should be an introvert's dream, and yet I find myself wanting to go on long walks and take in the little things I always see but never appreciate. I want to try out that coffee shop down the street, and chat with the... Continue Reading →

To Sing or Not to Sing

So today I was working, minding my own business, listening to some awesome covers of Disney songs on YouTube, and I get the itch. The itch to perform. To let my voice carry across rows and rows of people and fill the space with song. I even went so far as to download something other... Continue Reading →

Life in Quarantine

By now the news has reached the far and wide places: most of the world is on lockdown. Why? COVID-19, the Corona virus. And no, we're not talking about the beer. My partner and I first heard about this virus a couple of weeks ago, when cases were reported and various travelers were said to... Continue Reading →

Happy Healthy Holidays!!

Hello and blessed holidays, my dear readers! This season is always a little difficult for me, because I have to juggle years of food-related issues with my love of food. I seriously love food, but I have also been very critical of my own body and how it reacts to food--and my previous hatred of... Continue Reading →

A New Month, A Fresh Start

Greetings and well met, beloved readers! I know I dropped the ball on Inktober 2019, and I'm sorry that I failed to keep my artistic promise. Work has been crazy, but I know that's just an excuse. We make time for the things that matter, and unfortunately what mattered to me after work was sleep... Continue Reading →

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