Quarantine, Day the Whatever

Is it bad the days are starting to blur together? Staying home should be an introvert's dream, and yet I find myself wanting to go on long walks and take in the little things I always see but never appreciate. I want to try out that coffee shop down the street, and chat with the... Continue Reading →

To Sing or Not to Sing

So today I was working, minding my own business, listening to some awesome covers of Disney songs on YouTube, and I get the itch. The itch to perform. To let my voice carry across rows and rows of people and fill the space with song. I even went so far as to download something other... Continue Reading →

Life in Quarantine

By now the news has reached the far and wide places: most of the world is on lockdown. Why? COVID-19, the Corona virus. And no, we're not talking about the beer. My partner and I first heard about this virus a couple of weeks ago, when cases were reported and various travelers were said to... Continue Reading →

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