NaNoWriMo Recap & Apologies to Self

Another NaNoWriMo come and gone, and me with only 22k words to show for it. I’m still glad I did it this year, but what with learning a new job and trying to find the right work-life balance, I found myself barely making it to the halfway mark.

I apologize both to myself and to you, dear readers. I had grand plans for this year’s novel, both as a writer and as a blogger. I wanted to share the world I was discovering with every new day. Sadly, I could not bring myself to stare at my computer screen much after spending 8+ hours at work doing the same–for different reasons, but staring nonetheless.

Although I did not make it to my ultimate writing goal this past month, I did submit my Camp NaNo story to a competition! I did not fully meet my goal with that project either, but I went back to read it and discovered it read better as a short story–that I was pulling it along like taffy, and it did not need to be much longer than what I had already written down.

So I tied up the ending and sent it off. I hope the judges like it. I’ve learned not to take these competitions too seriously, and to not get super attached to the idea of winning whatever prize is being offered. It’s not healthy to get super invested in something like that, especially if you end up losing.

But I will be cautiously optimistic, since I do really like this story. I’ll keep you posted on its progress. Quarter finalists are going to be announced in March, I think.

Until next time!

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