Day 8: Come As Your Character

When all else failed, Tessa could always escape into someone else’s body. Or at least she liked to believe she could. Tucked away in the library corners less traveled. No one ever thought a servant would go in there, even if she was lady’s maid to the royal princess.

Tessa loved to read, but could only do so late at night or early in the morning. The days themselves were spent running around the castle and nearby villages for various things the princess said she wanted. Tessa liked to imagine she was on a quest for a noble cause—not that looking your best for the next ball wasn’t noble, just a bit shortsighted. There were so many other great things Tessa knew the kingdom could be doing with its resources, based on the histories she read and the people she saw.

But no one would listen to a lady’s maid, and no one would believe a woman would want to concern herself with these things—let alone read about them. It just wasn’t done.

Thanks for reading! Here’s a photo of my most recent Renaissance Faire outing with my boyfriend. And yes, I did get to pet an owl.

Until tomorrow!

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